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Min Priority Queue

/* Minimum Priority Queue
 * It is a part of heap data structure
 * A heap is a specific tree based data structure
 * in which all the nodes of tree are in a specific order.
 * that is the children are arranged in some
 * respect of their parents, can either be greater
 * or less than the parent. This makes it a min priority queue
 * or max priority queue.

// Functions: insert, delete, peek, isEmpty, print, heapSort, sink

class MinPriorityQueue {
  // calls the constructor and initializes the capacity
  constructor(c) {
    this.heap = []
    this.capacity = c
    this.size = 0

  // inserts the key at the end and rearranges it
  // so that the binary heap is in appropriate order
  insert(key) {
    if (this.isFull()) return
    this.heap[this.size + 1] = key
    let k = this.size + 1
    while (k > 1) {
      if (this.heap[k] < this.heap[Math.floor(k / 2)]) {
        const temp = this.heap[k]
        this.heap[k] = this.heap[Math.floor(k / 2)]
        this.heap[Math.floor(k / 2)] = temp
      k = Math.floor(k / 2)

  // returns the highest priority value
  peek() {
    return this.heap[1]

  // returns boolean value whether the heap is empty or not
  isEmpty() {
    return this.size === 0

  // returns boolean value whether the heap is full or not
  isFull() {
    return this.size === this.capacity

  // prints the heap
  print(output = (value) => console.log(value)) {

  // heap reverse can be done by performing swapping the first
  // element with the last, removing the last element to
  // new array and calling sink function.
  heapReverse() {
    const heapSort = []
    while (this.size > 0) {
      // swap first element with last element
      ;[this.heap[1], this.heap[this.size]] = [
    // first value from heap it's empty to respect
    // structure with 1 as index of the first element
    this.heap = [undefined, ...heapSort.reverse()]
    this.size = heapSort.length

  // this function reorders the heap after every delete function
  sink() {
    let k = 1
    while (2 * k <= this.size || 2 * k + 1 <= this.size) {
      let minIndex
      if (this.heap[2 * k] >= this.heap[k]) {
        if (2 * k + 1 <= this.size && this.heap[2 * k + 1] >= this.heap[k]) {
        } else if (2 * k + 1 > this.size) {
      if (2 * k + 1 > this.size) {
        minIndex = this.heap[2 * k] < this.heap[k] ? 2 * k : k
      } else {
        if (
          this.heap[k] > this.heap[2 * k] ||
          this.heap[k] > this.heap[2 * k + 1]
        ) {
          minIndex = this.heap[2 * k] < this.heap[2 * k + 1] ? 2 * k : 2 * k + 1
        } else {
          minIndex = k
      const temp = this.heap[k]
      this.heap[k] = this.heap[minIndex]
      this.heap[minIndex] = temp
      k = minIndex

  // deletes the highest priority value from the heap. The last
  // element goes to ahead to first position and reorder heap
  delete() {
    // checks empty and one element array conditions
    if (this.isEmpty()) return
    if (this.size === 1) {
      return this.heap.pop()
    const min = this.heap[1]
    this.heap[1] = this.heap.pop()
    return min

export { MinPriorityQueue }