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Affine Converter

package com.thealgorithms.conversions;

 * A utility class to perform affine transformations of the form:
 * y = slope * x + intercept.
 * This class supports inversion and composition of affine transformations.
 * It is immutable, meaning each instance represents a fixed transformation.
public final class AffineConverter {
    private final double slope;
    private final double intercept;

     * Constructs an AffineConverter with the given slope and intercept.
     * @param inSlope The slope of the affine transformation.
     * @param inIntercept The intercept (constant term) of the affine transformation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either parameter is NaN.
    public AffineConverter(final double inSlope, final double inIntercept) {
        if (Double.isNaN(inSlope) || Double.isNaN(inIntercept)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slope and intercept must be valid numbers.");
        slope = inSlope;
        intercept = inIntercept;

     * Converts the given input value using the affine transformation:
     * result = slope * inValue + intercept.
     * @param inValue The input value to convert.
     * @return The transformed value.
    public double convert(final double inValue) {
        return slope * inValue + intercept;

     * Returns a new AffineConverter representing the inverse of the current transformation.
     * The inverse of y = slope * x + intercept is x = (y - intercept) / slope.
     * @return A new AffineConverter representing the inverse transformation.
     * @throws AssertionError if the slope is zero, as the inverse would be undefined.
    public AffineConverter invert() {
        assert slope != 0.0 : "Slope cannot be zero for inversion.";
        return new AffineConverter(1.0 / slope, -intercept / slope);

     * Composes this affine transformation with another, returning a new AffineConverter.
     * If this transformation is f(x) and the other is g(x), the result is f(g(x)).
     * @param other Another AffineConverter to compose with.
     * @return A new AffineConverter representing the composition of the two transformations.
    public AffineConverter compose(final AffineConverter other) {
        double newSlope = slope * other.slope;
        double newIntercept = slope * other.intercept + intercept;
        return new AffineConverter(newSlope, newIntercept);