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Prim MST

import { KeyPriorityQueue } from '../Data-Structures/Heap/KeyPriorityQueue'
class GraphWeightedUndirectedAdjacencyList {
  // Weighted Undirected Graph class
  constructor() {
    this.connections = {}

  addNode(node) {
    // Function to add a node to the graph (connection represented by set)
    this.connections[node] = {}

  addEdge(node1, node2, weight) {
    // Function to add an edge (adds the node too if they are not present in the graph)
    if (!(node1 in this.connections)) {
    if (!(node2 in this.connections)) {
    this.connections[node1][node2] = weight
    this.connections[node2][node1] = weight

  PrimMST(start) {
    // Prim's Algorithm to generate a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a graph
    // Details:
    const distance = {}
    const parent = {}
    const priorityQueue = new KeyPriorityQueue()
    // Initialization
    for (const node in this.connections) {
      distance[node] = node === start.toString() ? 0 : Infinity
      parent[node] = null
      priorityQueue.push(node, distance[node])
    // Updating 'distance' object
    while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
      const node = priorityQueue.pop()
      Object.keys(this.connections[node]).forEach((neighbour) => {
        if (
          priorityQueue.contains(neighbour) &&
          distance[node] + this.connections[node][neighbour] <
        ) {
          distance[neighbour] =
            distance[node] + this.connections[node][neighbour]
          parent[neighbour] = node
          priorityQueue.update(neighbour, distance[neighbour])

    // MST Generation from the 'parent' object
    const graph = new GraphWeightedUndirectedAdjacencyList()
    Object.keys(parent).forEach((node) => {
      if (node && parent[node]) {
        graph.addEdge(node, parent[node], this.connections[node][parent[node]])
    return graph

export { GraphWeightedUndirectedAdjacencyList }