// jump.go
// description: Implementation of jump search
// details:
// A search algorithm for ordered list that jump through the list to narrow down the range
// before performing a linear search
// reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_search
// see jump_test.go for a test implementation, test function TestJump
// time complexity: O(sqrt(n))
// space complexity: O(1)
package search
import "math"
// Jump search works by jumping multiple steps ahead in sorted list until it find an item larger than target,
// then create a sublist of item from the last searched item up to the current item and perform a linear search.
func Jump(array []int, target int) (int, error) {
n := len(array)
if n == 0 {
return -1, ErrNotFound
// the optimal value of step is square root of the length of list
step := int(math.Round(math.Sqrt(float64(n))))
prev := 0 // previous index
curr := step // current index
for array[curr-1] < target {
prev = curr
if prev >= len(array) {
return -1, ErrNotFound
curr += step
// prevent jumping over list range
if curr > n {
curr = n
// perform linear search from index prev to index curr
for array[prev] < target {
// if reach end of range, indicate target not found
if prev == curr {
return -1, ErrNotFound
if array[prev] == target {
return prev, nil
return -1, ErrNotFound