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Acerca deDonar

Singly Linked List

Y 1 m谩s contribuidores
from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

class Node:
    Create and initialize Node class instance.
    >>> Node(20)
    >>> Node("Hello, world!")
    Node(Hello, world!)
    >>> Node(None)
    >>> Node(True)

    data: Any
    next_node: Node | None = None

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Get the string representation of this node.
        >>> Node(10).__repr__()
        >>> repr(Node(10))
        >>> str(Node(10))
        >>> Node(10)
        return f"Node({})"

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        Create and initialize LinkedList class instance.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.head is None
        self.head = None

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
        This function is intended for iterators to access
        and iterate through data inside linked list.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail_1")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail_2")
        >>> for node in linked_list: # __iter__ used here.
        ...     node
        node = self.head
        while node:
            node = node.next_node

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        Return length of linked list i.e. number of nodes
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> len(linked_list)
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail")
        >>> len(linked_list)
        >>> linked_list.insert_head("head")
        >>> len(linked_list)
        >>> _ = linked_list.delete_tail()
        >>> len(linked_list)
        >>> _ = linked_list.delete_head()
        >>> len(linked_list)
        return sum(1 for _ in self)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        String representation/visualization of a Linked Lists
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail(1)
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail(3)
        >>> linked_list.__repr__()
        '1 -> 3'
        >>> repr(linked_list)
        '1 -> 3'
        >>> str(linked_list)
        '1 -> 3'
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail(5)
        >>> f"{linked_list}"
        '1 -> 3 -> 5'
        return " -> ".join([str(item) for item in self])

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Any:
        Indexing Support. Used to get a node at particular position
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> for i in range(0, 10):
        ...     linked_list.insert_nth(i, i)
        >>> all(str(linked_list[i]) == str(i) for i in range(0, 10))
        >>> linked_list[-10]
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: list index out of range.
        >>> linked_list[len(linked_list)]
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: list index out of range.
        if not 0 <= index < len(self):
            raise ValueError("list index out of range.")
        for i, node in enumerate(self):
            if i == index:
                return node
        return None

    # Used to change the data of a particular node
    def __setitem__(self, index: int, data: Any) -> None:
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> for i in range(0, 10):
        ...     linked_list.insert_nth(i, i)
        >>> linked_list[0] = 666
        >>> linked_list[0]
        >>> linked_list[5] = -666
        >>> linked_list[5]
        >>> linked_list[-10] = 666
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: list index out of range.
        >>> linked_list[len(linked_list)] = 666
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: list index out of range.
        if not 0 <= index < len(self):
            raise ValueError("list index out of range.")
        current = self.head
        for _ in range(index):
            current = current.next_node = data

    def insert_tail(self, data: Any) -> None:
        Insert data to the end of linked list.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail")
        >>> linked_list
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail_2")
        >>> linked_list
        tail -> tail_2
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("tail_3")
        >>> linked_list
        tail -> tail_2 -> tail_3
        self.insert_nth(len(self), data)

    def insert_head(self, data: Any) -> None:
        Insert data to the beginning of linked list.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_head("head")
        >>> linked_list
        >>> linked_list.insert_head("head_2")
        >>> linked_list
        head_2 -> head
        >>> linked_list.insert_head("head_3")
        >>> linked_list
        head_3 -> head_2 -> head
        self.insert_nth(0, data)

    def insert_nth(self, index: int, data: Any) -> None:
        Insert data at given index.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.insert_nth(1, "fourth")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> fourth -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.insert_nth(3, "fifth")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> fourth -> second -> fifth -> third
        if not 0 <= index <= len(self):
            raise IndexError("list index out of range")
        new_node = Node(data)
        if self.head is None:
            self.head = new_node
        elif index == 0:
            new_node.next_node = self.head  # link new_node to head
            self.head = new_node
            temp = self.head
            for _ in range(index - 1):
                temp = temp.next_node
            new_node.next_node = temp.next_node
            temp.next_node = new_node

    def print_list(self) -> None:  # print every node data
        This method prints every node data.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third

    def delete_head(self) -> Any:
        Delete the first node and return the
        node's data.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.delete_head()
        >>> linked_list
        second -> third
        >>> linked_list.delete_head()
        >>> linked_list
        >>> linked_list.delete_head()
        >>> linked_list.delete_head()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: List index out of range.
        return self.delete_nth(0)

    def delete_tail(self) -> Any:  # delete from tail
        Delete the tail end node and return the
        node's data.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.delete_tail()
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second
        >>> linked_list.delete_tail()
        >>> linked_list
        >>> linked_list.delete_tail()
        >>> linked_list.delete_tail()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: List index out of range.
        return self.delete_nth(len(self) - 1)

    def delete_nth(self, index: int = 0) -> Any:
        Delete node at given index and return the
        node's data.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.delete_nth(1) # delete middle
        >>> linked_list
        first -> third
        >>> linked_list.delete_nth(5) # this raises error
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: List index out of range.
        >>> linked_list.delete_nth(-1) # this also raises error
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: List index out of range.
        if not 0 <= index <= len(self) - 1:  # test if index is valid
            raise IndexError("List index out of range.")
        delete_node = self.head  # default first node
        if index == 0:
            self.head = self.head.next_node
            temp = self.head
            for _ in range(index - 1):
                temp = temp.next_node
            delete_node = temp.next_node
            temp.next_node = temp.next_node.next_node

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        Check if linked list is empty.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.is_empty()
        >>> linked_list.insert_head("first")
        >>> linked_list.is_empty()
        return self.head is None

    def reverse(self) -> None:
        This reverses the linked list order.
        >>> linked_list = LinkedList()
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("first")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("second")
        >>> linked_list.insert_tail("third")
        >>> linked_list
        first -> second -> third
        >>> linked_list.reverse()
        >>> linked_list
        third -> second -> first
        prev = None
        current = self.head

        while current:
            # Store the current node's next node.
            next_node = current.next_node
            # Make the current node's next_node point backwards
            current.next_node = prev
            # Make the previous node be the current node
            prev = current
            # Make the current node the next_node node (to progress iteration)
            current = next_node
        # Return prev in order to put the head at the end
        self.head = prev

def test_singly_linked_list() -> None:
    >>> test_singly_linked_list()
    linked_list = LinkedList()
    assert linked_list.is_empty() is True
    assert str(linked_list) == ""

        raise AssertionError  # This should not happen.
    except IndexError:
        assert True  # This should happen.

        raise AssertionError  # This should not happen.
    except IndexError:
        assert True  # This should happen.

    for i in range(10):
        assert len(linked_list) == i
        linked_list.insert_nth(i, i + 1)
    assert str(linked_list) == " -> ".join(str(i) for i in range(1, 11))

    assert str(linked_list) == " -> ".join(str(i) for i in range(12))

    assert linked_list.delete_head() == 0
    assert linked_list.delete_nth(9) == 10
    assert linked_list.delete_tail() == 11
    assert len(linked_list) == 9
    assert str(linked_list) == " -> ".join(str(i) for i in range(1, 10))

    assert all(linked_list[i] == i + 1 for i in range(9)) is True

    for i in range(9):
        linked_list[i] = -i
    assert all(linked_list[i] == -i for i in range(9)) is True

    assert str(linked_list) == " -> ".join(str(i) for i in range(-8, 1))

def test_singly_linked_list_2() -> None:
    This section of the test used varying data types for input.
    >>> test_singly_linked_list_2()
    test_input = [
        "dlrow olleH",
        "Hello, world!",
    linked_list = LinkedList()

    for i in test_input:

    # Check if it's empty or not
    assert linked_list.is_empty() is False
    assert (
        == "-9 -> 100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> 7 -> 5555 -> "
        "0 -> -192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None -> None -> 12.2"

    # Delete the head
    result = linked_list.delete_head()
    assert result == -9
    assert (
        str(linked_list) == "100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> 7 -> 5555 -> 0 -> "
        "-192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None -> None -> 12.2"

    # Delete the tail
    result = linked_list.delete_tail()
    assert result == 12.2
    assert (
        str(linked_list) == "100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> 7 -> 5555 -> 0 -> "
        "-192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None -> None"

    # Delete a node in specific location in linked list
    result = linked_list.delete_nth(10)
    assert result is None
    assert (
        str(linked_list) == "100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> 7 -> 5555 -> 0 -> "
        "-192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None"

    # Add a Node instance to its head
    linked_list.insert_head(Node("Hello again, world!"))
    assert (
        == "Node(Hello again, world!) -> 100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> "
        "7 -> 5555 -> 0 -> -192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None"

    # Add None to its tail
    assert (
        == "Node(Hello again, world!) -> 100 -> Node(77345112) -> dlrow olleH -> 7 -> "
        "5555 -> 0 -> -192.55555 -> Hello, world! -> 77.9 -> Node(10) -> None -> None"

    # Reverse the linked list
    assert (
        == "None -> None -> Node(10) -> 77.9 -> Hello, world! -> -192.55555 -> 0 -> "
        "5555 -> 7 -> dlrow olleH -> Node(77345112) -> 100 -> Node(Hello again, world!)"

def main():
    from doctest import testmod


    linked_list = LinkedList()
    linked_list.insert_head(input("Inserting 1st at head ").strip())
    linked_list.insert_head(input("Inserting 2nd at head ").strip())
    print("\nPrint list:")
    linked_list.insert_tail(input("\nInserting 1st at tail ").strip())
    linked_list.insert_tail(input("Inserting 2nd at tail ").strip())
    print("\nPrint list:")
    print("\nDelete head")
    print("Delete tail")
    print("\nPrint list:")
    print("\nReverse linked list")
    print("\nPrint list:")
    print("\nString representation of linked list:")
    print("\nReading/changing Node data using indexing:")
    print(f"Element at Position 1: {linked_list[1]}")
    linked_list[1] = input("Enter New Value: ").strip()
    print("New list:")
    print(f"length of linked_list is : {len(linked_list)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Acerca de este algoritmo

Singly Linked List es una estructura de datos lineal y conectada formada por nodos. Cada nodo se compone de una variable '''data''' donde se almacena su contenido y un puntero al siguiente nodo de la lista. La lista vinculada tiene un puntero al primer elemento de esta secuencia de nodos y tambi茅n puede tener otro puntero al 煤ltimo nodo para realizar operaciones en el extremo lejano menos lento. Tambi茅n puede almacenar una variable '''length''' para almacenar la longitud total.

Ventajas sobre matrices

  • El tama帽o de una lista vinculada no es fijo (tama帽o din谩mico).
  • Eliminar y agregar un elemento no es caro en comparaci贸n con una matriz.


  • Se puede acceder a los elementos secuencialmente no al azar en comparaci贸n con una matriz.
  • Es necesario realizar una asignaci贸n de memoria adicional para los punteros que conecta los elementos de una lista vinculada.

Complejidad temporal

Operaci贸n Promedio Peor
Acceso O(n) O(n)
Buscar O(n) O(n)
de inserci贸n O(1) O(1)
de eliminaci贸n O(1) O(1)

Ejemplo en Java

class LinkedList {
    Node head;      // Puntero al primer elemento.
    Node tail;      // Opcional. Apunta al 煤ltimo elemento.

    int length;     // Opcional.

    class Node {
        int data;   // Datos del nodo. Puede ser `int`, `string`, `float`, `templates`, etc..
        Node next;  // Puntero al siguiente nodo de la lista.

Explicaci贸n de v铆deo

Un v铆deo CS50 explicando la Estructura de Datos de la Lista Singular Vinculada