Trifid Cipher

The trifid cipher uses a table to fractionate each plaintext letter into a trigram,
mixes the constituents of the trigrams, and then applies the table in reverse to turn
these mixed trigrams into ciphertext letters.

from __future__ import annotations

# fmt: off
    "A": "111", "B": "112", "C": "113", "D": "121", "E": "122", "F": "123", "G": "131",
    "H": "132", "I": "133", "J": "211", "K": "212", "L": "213", "M": "221", "N": "222",
    "O": "223", "P": "231", "Q": "232", "R": "233", "S": "311", "T": "312", "U": "313",
    "V": "321", "W": "322", "X": "323", "Y": "331", "Z": "332", "+": "333",
# fmt: off

TEST_NUMBER_TO_CHARACTER = {val: key for key, val in TEST_CHARACTER_TO_NUMBER.items()}

def __encrypt_part(message_part: str, character_to_number: dict[str, str]) -> str:
    Arrange the triagram value of each letter of 'message_part' vertically and join
    them horizontally.

    >>> __encrypt_part('ASK', TEST_CHARACTER_TO_NUMBER)
    one, two, three = "", "", ""
    for each in (character_to_number[character] for character in message_part):
        one += each[0]
        two += each[1]
        three += each[2]

    return one + two + three

def __decrypt_part(
    message_part: str, character_to_number: dict[str, str]
) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
    Convert each letter of the input string into their respective trigram values, join
    them and split them into three equal groups of strings which are returned.

    >>> __decrypt_part('ABCDE', TEST_CHARACTER_TO_NUMBER)
    ('11111', '21131', '21122')
    this_part = "".join(character_to_number[character] for character in message_part)
    result = []
    tmp = ""
    for digit in this_part:
        tmp += digit
        if len(tmp) == len(message_part):
            tmp = ""

    return result[0], result[1], result[2]

def __prepare(
    message: str, alphabet: str
) -> tuple[str, str, dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]:
    A helper function that generates the triagrams and assigns each letter of the
    alphabet to its corresponding triagram and stores this in a dictionary
    ("character_to_number" and "number_to_character") after confirming if the
    alphabet's length is 27.

    >>> test = __prepare('I aM a BOy','abCdeFghijkLmnopqrStuVwxYZ+')
    >>> test == expected

    Testing with incomplete alphabet
    >>> __prepare('I aM a BOy','abCdeFghijkLmnopqrStuVw')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 'Length of alphabet has to be 27.'

    Testing with extra long alphabets
    >>> __prepare('I aM a BOy','abCdeFghijkLmnopqrStuVwxyzzwwtyyujjgfd')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 'Length of alphabet has to be 27.'

    Testing with punctuations that are not in the given alphabet
    >>> __prepare('am i a boy?','abCdeFghijkLmnopqrStuVwxYZ+')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Each message character has to be included in alphabet!

    Testing with numbers
    >>> __prepare(500,'abCdeFghijkLmnopqrStuVwxYZ+')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'replace'
    # Validate message and alphabet, set to upper and remove spaces
    alphabet = alphabet.replace(" ", "").upper()
    message = message.replace(" ", "").upper()

    # Check length and characters
    if len(alphabet) != 27:
        raise KeyError("Length of alphabet has to be 27.")
    if any(char not in alphabet for char in message):
        raise ValueError("Each message character has to be included in alphabet!")

    # Generate dictionares
    character_to_number = dict(zip(alphabet, TEST_CHARACTER_TO_NUMBER.values()))
    number_to_character = {
        number: letter for letter, number in character_to_number.items()

    return message, alphabet, character_to_number, number_to_character

def encrypt_message(
    message: str, alphabet: str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.", period: int = 5
) -> str:

    Encrypts a message using the trifid_cipher. Any punctuatuions that
    would be used should be added to the alphabet.


    *   message: The message you want to encrypt.
    *   alphabet (optional): The characters to be used for the cipher .
    *   period (optional): The number of characters you want in a group whilst

    >>> encrypt_message('I am a boy')

    >>> encrypt_message(' ')

    >>> encrypt_message('   aide toi le c  iel      ta id  era    ',

    message, alphabet, character_to_number, number_to_character = __prepare(
        message, alphabet

    encrypted_numeric = ""
    for i in range(0, len(message) + 1, period):
        encrypted_numeric += __encrypt_part(
            message[i : i + period], character_to_number

    encrypted = ""
    for i in range(0, len(encrypted_numeric), 3):
        encrypted += number_to_character[encrypted_numeric[i : i + 3]]
    return encrypted

def decrypt_message(
    message: str, alphabet: str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.", period: int = 5
) -> str:

    Decrypts a trifid_cipher encrypted message .


    *   message: The message you want to decrypt .
    *   alphabet (optional): The characters used for the cipher.
    *   period (optional): The number of characters used in grouping when it
        was encrypted.

    >>> decrypt_message('BCDGBQY')

    Decrypting with your own alphabet and period
    message, alphabet, character_to_number, number_to_character = __prepare(
        message, alphabet

    decrypted_numeric = []
    for i in range(0, len(message), period):
        a, b, c = __decrypt_part(message[i : i + period], character_to_number)

        for j in range(len(a)):
            decrypted_numeric.append(a[j] + b[j] + c[j])

    return "".join(number_to_character[each] for each in decrypted_numeric)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

    encrypted = encrypt_message(msg, "EPSDUCVWYM.ZLKXNBTFGORIJHAQ")
    decrypted = decrypt_message(encrypted, "EPSDUCVWYM.ZLKXNBTFGORIJHAQ")
    print(f"Encrypted: {encrypted}\nDecrypted: {decrypted}")