// This file contains the graph coloring implementation using backtracking
// time complexity: O(V^V) where V is the number of vertices in the graph
// space complexity: O(V) where V is the number of vertices in the graph
// Author(s): [Shivam](https://github.com/Shivam010)
package coloring
// ColorUsingBacktracking will return the Color of each vertex and the
// total number of different colors used, using backtracking
func (g *Graph) ColorUsingBacktracking() (map[int]Color, int) {
vertexColors := make(map[int]Color, g.vertices)
g.colorVertex(0, vertexColors)
colorsUsed := 0
for _, cr := range vertexColors {
if colorsUsed < int(cr) {
colorsUsed = int(cr)
return vertexColors, colorsUsed
// colorVertex will try to color provided vertex, v
func (g *Graph) colorVertex(v int, color map[int]Color) bool {
// If all vertices are colored, the colors store will be completely filled.
if len(color) == g.vertices {
return true
// As the upper bound of no. of colors is the no. of vertices in graph,
// try assigning each color to the vertex v
for cr := Color(1); cr <= Color(g.vertices); cr++ {
// Use the color, cr for vertex, v if it is safe to use, by
// checking its neighbours
safe := true
for nb := range g.edges[v] {
// cr, color is not safe if color of nb, crnb is not equal to cr
if crnb, ok := color[nb]; ok && crnb == cr {
safe = false
if safe {
color[v] = cr
if g.colorVertex(v+1, color) {
return true
delete(color, v)
return false