package com.thealgorithms.ciphers;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* ECC - Elliptic Curve Cryptography
* Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a public-key cryptography method that uses the algebraic structure of
* elliptic curves over finite fields. ECC provides a higher level of security with smaller key sizes compared
* to other public-key methods like RSA, making it particularly suitable for environments where computational
* resources are limited, such as mobile devices and embedded systems.
* This class implements elliptic curve cryptography, providing encryption and decryption
* functionalities based on public and private key pairs.
* @author xuyang
public class ECC {
private BigInteger privateKey; // Private key used for decryption
private ECPoint publicKey; // Public key used for encryption
private EllipticCurve curve; // Elliptic curve used in cryptography
private ECPoint basePoint; // Base point G on the elliptic curve
public ECC(int bits) {
generateKeys(bits); // Generates public-private key pair
public EllipticCurve getCurve() {
return curve; // Returns the elliptic curve
public void setCurve(EllipticCurve curve) {
this.curve = curve;
// Getter and Setter for private key
public BigInteger getPrivateKey() {
return privateKey;
public void setPrivateKey(BigInteger privateKey) {
this.privateKey = privateKey;
* Encrypts the message using the public key.
* The message is transformed into an ECPoint and encrypted with elliptic curve operations.
* @param message The plain message to be encrypted
* @return The encrypted message as an array of ECPoints (R, S)
public ECPoint[] encrypt(String message) {
BigInteger m = new BigInteger(message.getBytes()); // Convert message to BigInteger
SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom(); // Generate random value for k
BigInteger k = new BigInteger(curve.getFieldSize(), r); // Generate random scalar k
// Calculate point r = k * G, where G is the base point
ECPoint rPoint = basePoint.multiply(k, curve.getP(), curve.getA());
// Calculate point s = k * publicKey + encodedMessage
ECPoint sPoint = publicKey.multiply(k, curve.getP(), curve.getA()).add(curve.encodeMessage(m), curve.getP(), curve.getA());
return new ECPoint[] {rPoint, sPoint}; // Return encrypted message as two ECPoints
* Decrypts the encrypted message using the private key.
* The decryption process is the reverse of encryption, recovering the original message.
* @param encryptedMessage The encrypted message as an array of ECPoints (R, S)
* @return The decrypted plain message as a String
public String decrypt(ECPoint[] encryptedMessage) {
ECPoint rPoint = encryptedMessage[0]; // First part of ciphertext
ECPoint sPoint = encryptedMessage[1]; // Second part of ciphertext
// Perform decryption: s - r * privateKey
ECPoint decodedMessage = sPoint.subtract(rPoint.multiply(privateKey, curve.getP(), curve.getA()), curve.getP(), curve.getA());
BigInteger m = curve.decodeMessage(decodedMessage); // Decode the message from ECPoint
return new String(m.toByteArray()); // Convert BigInteger back to String
* Generates a new public-private key pair for encryption and decryption.
* @param bits The size (in bits) of the keys to generate
public final void generateKeys(int bits) {
SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();
curve = new EllipticCurve(bits); // Initialize a new elliptic curve
basePoint = curve.getBasePoint(); // Set the base point G
// Generate private key as a random BigInteger
privateKey = new BigInteger(bits, r);
// Generate public key as the point publicKey = privateKey * G
publicKey = basePoint.multiply(privateKey, curve.getP(), curve.getA());
* Class representing an elliptic curve with the form y^2 = x^3 + ax + b.
public static class EllipticCurve {
private final BigInteger a; // Coefficient a in the curve equation
private final BigInteger b; // Coefficient b in the curve equation
private final BigInteger p; // Prime number p, defining the finite field
private final ECPoint basePoint; // Base point G on the curve
// Constructor with explicit parameters for a, b, p, and base point
public EllipticCurve(BigInteger a, BigInteger b, BigInteger p, ECPoint basePoint) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.p = p;
this.basePoint = basePoint;
// Constructor that randomly generates the curve parameters
public EllipticCurve(int bits) {
SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();
this.p = BigInteger.probablePrime(bits, r); // Random prime p
this.a = new BigInteger(bits, r); // Random coefficient a
this.b = new BigInteger(bits, r); // Random coefficient b
this.basePoint = new ECPoint(BigInteger.valueOf(4), BigInteger.valueOf(8)); // Fixed base point G
public ECPoint getBasePoint() {
return basePoint;
public BigInteger getP() {
return p;
public BigInteger getA() {
return a;
public BigInteger getB() {
return b;
public int getFieldSize() {
return p.bitLength();
public ECPoint encodeMessage(BigInteger message) {
// Simple encoding of a message as an ECPoint (this is a simplified example)
return new ECPoint(message, message);
public BigInteger decodeMessage(ECPoint point) {
return point.getX(); // Decode the message from ECPoint (simplified)
* Class representing a point on the elliptic curve.
public static class ECPoint {
private final BigInteger x; // X-coordinate of the point
private final BigInteger y; // Y-coordinate of the point
public ECPoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public BigInteger getX() {
return x;
public BigInteger getY() {
return y;
public String toString() {
return "ECPoint(x=" + x.toString() + ", y=" + y.toString() + ")";
* Add two points on the elliptic curve.
public ECPoint add(ECPoint other, BigInteger p, BigInteger a) {
if (this.x.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && this.y.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
return other; // If this point is the identity, return the other point
if (other.x.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && other.y.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
return this; // If the other point is the identity, return this point
BigInteger lambda;
if (this.equals(other)) {
// Special case: point doubling
lambda = this.x.pow(2).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(3)).add(a).multiply(this.y.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2)).modInverse(p)).mod(p);
} else {
// General case: adding two different points
lambda = other.y.subtract(this.y).multiply(other.x.subtract(this.x).modInverse(p)).mod(p);
BigInteger xr = lambda.pow(2).subtract(this.x).subtract(other.x).mod(p);
BigInteger yr = lambda.multiply(this.x.subtract(xr)).subtract(this.y).mod(p);
return new ECPoint(xr, yr);
* Subtract two points on the elliptic curve.
public ECPoint subtract(ECPoint other, BigInteger p, BigInteger a) {
ECPoint negOther = new ECPoint(other.x, p.subtract(other.y)); // Negate the Y coordinate
return this.add(negOther, p, a); // Add the negated point
* Multiply a point by a scalar (repeated addition).
public ECPoint multiply(BigInteger k, BigInteger p, BigInteger a) {
ECPoint result = new ECPoint(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO); // Identity point
ECPoint addend = this;
while (k.signum() > 0) {
if (k.testBit(0)) {
result = result.add(addend, p, a); // Add the current point
addend = addend.add(addend, p, a); // Double the point
k = k.shiftRight(1); // Divide k by 2
return result;