package com.thealgorithms.dynamicprogramming;
* Given a text and wildcard pattern implement a wildcard pattern matching
* algorithm that finds if wildcard is matched with text. The matching should
* cover the entire text ?-> matches single characters *-> match the sequence of
* characters
* For calculation of Time and Space Complexity. Let N be length of src and M be length of pat
* Memoization vs Tabulation :
* Question Link :
public final class RegexMatching {
private RegexMatching() {
* Method 1: Determines if the given source string matches the given pattern using a recursive approach.
* This method directly applies recursion to check if the source string matches the pattern, considering
* the wildcards '?' and '*'.
* Time Complexity: O(2^(N+M)), where N is the length of the source string and M is the length of the pattern.
* Space Complexity: O(N + M) due to the recursion stack.
* @param src The source string to be matched against the pattern.
* @param pat The pattern containing wildcards ('*' matches a sequence of characters, '?' matches a single character).
* @return {@code true} if the source string matches the pattern, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean regexRecursion(String src, String pat) {
if (src.length() == 0 && pat.length() == 0) {
return true;
if (src.length() != 0 && pat.length() == 0) {
return false;
if (src.length() == 0 && pat.length() != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < pat.length(); i++) {
if (pat.charAt(i) != '*') {
return false;
return true;
char chs = src.charAt(0);
char chp = pat.charAt(0);
String ros = src.substring(1);
String rop = pat.substring(1);
boolean ans;
if (chs == chp || chp == '?') {
ans = regexRecursion(ros, rop);
} else if (chp == '*') {
boolean blank = regexRecursion(src, rop);
boolean multiple = regexRecursion(ros, pat);
ans = blank || multiple;
} else {
ans = false;
return ans;
* Method 2: Determines if the given source string matches the given pattern using recursion.
* This method utilizes a virtual index for both the source string and the pattern to manage the recursion.
* Time Complexity: O(2^(N+M)) where N is the length of the source string and M is the length of the pattern.
* Space Complexity: O(N + M) due to the recursion stack.
* @param src The source string to be matched against the pattern.
* @param pat The pattern containing wildcards ('*' matches a sequence of characters, '?' matches a single character).
* @param svidx The current index in the source string.
* @param pvidx The current index in the pattern.
* @return {@code true} if the source string matches the pattern, {@code false} otherwise.
static boolean regexRecursion(String src, String pat, int svidx, int pvidx) {
if (src.length() == svidx && pat.length() == pvidx) {
return true;
if (src.length() != svidx && pat.length() == pvidx) {
return false;
if (src.length() == svidx && pat.length() != pvidx) {
for (int i = pvidx; i < pat.length(); i++) {
if (pat.charAt(i) != '*') {
return false;
return true;
char chs = src.charAt(svidx);
char chp = pat.charAt(pvidx);
boolean ans;
if (chs == chp || chp == '?') {
ans = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx + 1, pvidx + 1);
} else if (chp == '*') {
boolean blank = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx, pvidx + 1);
boolean multiple = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx + 1, pvidx);
ans = blank || multiple;
} else {
ans = false;
return ans;
* Method 3: Determines if the given source string matches the given pattern using top-down dynamic programming (memoization).
* This method utilizes memoization to store intermediate results, reducing redundant computations and improving efficiency.
* Time Complexity: O(N * M), where N is the length of the source string and M is the length of the pattern.
* Space Complexity: O(N * M) for the memoization table, plus additional space for the recursion stack.
* @param src The source string to be matched against the pattern.
* @param pat The pattern containing wildcards ('*' matches a sequence of characters, '?' matches a single character).
* @param svidx The current index in the source string.
* @param pvidx The current index in the pattern.
* @param strg A 2D array used for memoization to store the results of subproblems.
* @return {@code true} if the source string matches the pattern, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean regexRecursion(String src, String pat, int svidx, int pvidx, int[][] strg) {
if (src.length() == svidx && pat.length() == pvidx) {
return true;
if (src.length() != svidx && pat.length() == pvidx) {
return false;
if (src.length() == svidx && pat.length() != pvidx) {
for (int i = pvidx; i < pat.length(); i++) {
if (pat.charAt(i) != '*') {
return false;
return true;
if (strg[svidx][pvidx] != 0) {
return strg[svidx][pvidx] != 1;
char chs = src.charAt(svidx);
char chp = pat.charAt(pvidx);
boolean ans;
if (chs == chp || chp == '?') {
ans = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx + 1, pvidx + 1, strg);
} else if (chp == '*') {
boolean blank = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx, pvidx + 1, strg);
boolean multiple = regexRecursion(src, pat, svidx + 1, pvidx, strg);
ans = blank || multiple;
} else {
ans = false;
strg[svidx][pvidx] = ans ? 2 : 1;
return ans;
* Method 4: Determines if the given source string matches the given pattern using bottom-up dynamic programming (tabulation).
* This method builds a solution iteratively by filling out a table, where each cell represents whether a substring
* of the source string matches a substring of the pattern.
* Time Complexity: O(N * M), where N is the length of the source string and M is the length of the pattern.
* Space Complexity: O(N * M) for the table used in the tabulation process.
* @param src The source string to be matched against the pattern.
* @param pat The pattern containing wildcards ('*' matches a sequence of characters, '?' matches a single character).
* @return {@code true} if the source string matches the pattern, {@code false} otherwise.
static boolean regexBU(String src, String pat) {
boolean[][] strg = new boolean[src.length() + 1][pat.length() + 1];
strg[src.length()][pat.length()] = true;
for (int row = src.length(); row >= 0; row--) {
for (int col = pat.length() - 1; col >= 0; col--) {
if (row == src.length()) {
if (pat.charAt(col) == '*') {
strg[row][col] = strg[row][col + 1];
} else {
strg[row][col] = false;
} else {
char chs = src.charAt(row);
char chp = pat.charAt(col);
boolean ans;
if (chs == chp || chp == '?') {
ans = strg[row + 1][col + 1];
} else if (chp == '*') {
boolean blank = strg[row][col + 1];
boolean multiple = strg[row + 1][col];
ans = blank || multiple;
} else {
ans = false;
strg[row][col] = ans;
return strg[0][0];