Thread Pool

//! kprotty(c) - MIT
//! src:

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Atomic = std.atomic.Value;

pub const ThreadPool = struct {
    stack_size: u32,
    max_threads: u32,
    sync: Atomic(u32) = Atomic(u32).init(@as(u32, @bitCast(Sync{}))),
    idle_event: Event = .{},
    join_event: Event = .{},
    run_queue: Node.Queue = .{},
    threads: Atomic(?*Thread) = Atomic(?*Thread).init(null),

    const Sync = packed struct {
        /// Tracks the number of threads not searching for Tasks
        idle: u14 = 0,
        /// Tracks the number of threads spawned
        spawned: u14 = 0,
        /// What you see is what you get
        unused: bool = false,
        /// Used to not miss notifications while state = waking
        notified: bool = false,
        /// The current state of the thread pool
        state: enum(u2) {
            /// A notification can be issued to wake up a sleeping as the "waking thread".
            pending = 0,
            /// The state was notifiied with a signal. A thread is woken up.
            /// The first thread to transition to `waking` becomes the "waking thread".
            /// There is a "waking thread" among us.
            /// No other thread should be woken up until the waking thread transitions the state.
            /// The thread pool was terminated. Start decremented `spawned` so that it can be joined.
        } = .pending,

    /// Configuration options for the thread pool.
    /// TODO: add CPU core affinity?
    pub const Config = struct {
        stack_size: u32 = (std.Thread.SpawnConfig{}).stack_size,
        max_threads: u32 = 0,

    /// Statically initialize the thread pool using the configuration.
    pub fn init(config: Config) ThreadPool {
        return .{
            .stack_size = @max(1, config.stack_size),
            .max_threads = if (config.max_threads > 0)
                @as(u32, @intCast(std.Thread.getCpuCount() catch 1)),

    /// Wait for a thread to call shutdown() on the thread pool and kill the worker threads.
    pub fn deinit(self: *ThreadPool) void {
        self.* = undefined;

    /// A Task represents the unit of Work / Job / Execution that the ThreadPool schedules.
    /// The user provides a `callback` which is invoked when the *Task can run on a thread.
    pub const Task = struct {
        node: Node = .{},
        callback: *const fn (*Task) void,

    /// An unordered collection of Tasks which can be submitted for scheduling as a group.
    pub const Batch = struct {
        len: usize = 0,
        head: ?*Task = null,
        tail: ?*Task = null,

        /// Create a batch from a single task.
        pub fn from(task: *Task) Batch {
            return Batch{
                .len = 1,
                .head = task,
                .tail = task,

        /// Another batch into this one, taking ownership of its tasks.
        pub fn push(self: *Batch, batch: Batch) void {
            if (batch.len == 0) return;
            if (self.len == 0) {
                self.* = batch;
            } else {
                self.tail.? = if (batch.head) |h| &h.node else null;
                self.tail = batch.tail;
                self.len += batch.len;

    /// Schedule a batch of tasks to be executed by some thread on the thread pool.
    pub fn schedule(self: *ThreadPool, batch: Batch) void {
        // Sanity check
        if (batch.len == 0) {

        // Extract out the Node's from the Tasks
        var list = Node.List{
            .head = &batch.head.?.node,
            .tail = &batch.tail.?.node,

        // Push the task Nodes to the most approriate queue
        if (Thread.current) |thread| {
            thread.run_buffer.push(&list) catch thread.run_queue.push(list);
        } else {

        // Try to notify a thread
        const is_waking = false;
        return self.notify(is_waking);

    inline fn notify(self: *ThreadPool, is_waking: bool) void {
        // Fast path to check the Sync state to avoid calling into notifySlow().
        // If we're waking, then we need to update the state regardless
        if (!is_waking) {
            const sync: Sync = @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic));
            if (sync.notified) {

        return self.notifySlow(is_waking);

    noinline fn notifySlow(self: *ThreadPool, is_waking: bool) void {
        var sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));
        while (sync.state != .shutdown) {
            const can_wake = is_waking or (sync.state == .pending);
            if (is_waking) {
                assert(sync.state == .waking);

            var new_sync = sync;
            new_sync.notified = true;
            if (can_wake and sync.idle > 0) { // wake up an idle thread
                new_sync.state = .signaled;
            } else if (can_wake and sync.spawned < self.max_threads) { // spawn a new thread
                new_sync.state = .signaled;
                new_sync.spawned += 1;
            } else if (is_waking) { // no other thread to pass on "waking" status
                new_sync.state = .pending;
            } else if (sync.notified) { // nothing to update

            // Release barrier synchronizes with Acquire in wait()
            // to ensure pushes to run queues happen before observing a posted notification.
            sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.cmpxchgWeak(
                @as(u32, @bitCast(sync)),
                @as(u32, @bitCast(new_sync)),
            ) orelse {
                // We signaled to notify an idle thread
                if (can_wake and sync.idle > 0) {
                    return self.idle_event.notify();

                // We signaled to spawn a new thread
                if (can_wake and sync.spawned < self.max_threads) {
                    const spawn_config = std.Thread.SpawnConfig{ .stack_size = self.stack_size };
                    const thread = std.Thread.spawn(spawn_config,, .{self}) catch return self.unregister(null);
                    return thread.detach();


    noinline fn wait(self: *ThreadPool, _is_waking: bool) error{Shutdown}!bool {
        var is_idle = false;
        var is_waking = _is_waking;
        var sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));

        while (true) {
            if (sync.state == .shutdown) return error.Shutdown;
            if (is_waking) assert(sync.state == .waking);

            // Consume a notification made by notify().
            if (sync.notified) {
                var new_sync = sync;
                new_sync.notified = false;
                if (is_idle)
                    new_sync.idle -= 1;
                if (sync.state == .signaled)
                    new_sync.state = .waking;

                // Acquire barrier synchronizes with notify()
                // to ensure that pushes to run queue are observed after wait() returns.
                sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.cmpxchgWeak(
                    @as(u32, @bitCast(sync)),
                    @as(u32, @bitCast(new_sync)),
                ) orelse {
                    return is_waking or (sync.state == .signaled);

                // No notification to consume.
                // Mark this thread as idle before sleeping on the idle_event.
            } else if (!is_idle) {
                var new_sync = sync;
                new_sync.idle += 1;
                if (is_waking)
                    new_sync.state = .pending;

                sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.cmpxchgWeak(
                    @as(u32, @bitCast(sync)),
                    @as(u32, @bitCast(new_sync)),
                ) orelse {
                    is_waking = false;
                    is_idle = true;

                // Wait for a signal by either notify() or shutdown() without wasting cpu cycles.
                // TODO: Add I/O polling here.
            } else {
                sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));

    /// Marks the thread pool as shutdown
    pub noinline fn shutdown(self: *ThreadPool) void {
        var sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));
        while (sync.state != .shutdown) {
            var new_sync = sync;
            new_sync.notified = true;
            new_sync.state = .shutdown;
            new_sync.idle = 0;

            // Full barrier to synchronize with both wait() and notify()
            sync = @bitCast(self.sync.cmpxchgWeak(
            ) orelse {
                // Wake up any threads sleeping on the idle_event.
                // TODO: I/O polling notification here.
                if (sync.idle > 0) self.idle_event.shutdown();

    fn register(noalias self: *ThreadPool, noalias thread: *Thread) void {
        // Push the thread onto the threads stack in a lock-free manner.
        var threads = self.threads.load(.monotonic);
        while (true) {
   = threads;
            threads = self.threads.cmpxchgWeak(
            ) orelse break;

    fn unregister(noalias self: *ThreadPool, noalias maybe_thread: ?*Thread) void {
        // Un-spawn one thread, either due to a failed OS thread spawning or the thread is exitting.
        const one_spawned: u32 = @bitCast(Sync{ .spawned = 1 });
        const sync: Sync = @bitCast(self.sync.fetchSub(one_spawned, .release));
        assert(sync.spawned > 0);

        // The last thread to exit must wake up the thread pool join()er
        // who will start the chain to shutdown all the threads.
        if (sync.state == .shutdown and sync.spawned == 1) {

        // If this is a thread pool thread, wait for a shutdown signal by the thread pool join()er.
        const thread = maybe_thread orelse return;

        // After receiving the shutdown signal, shutdown the next thread in the pool.
        // We have to do that without touching the thread pool itself since it's memory is invalidated by now.
        // So just follow our .next link.
        const next_thread = orelse return;

    fn join(self: *ThreadPool) void {
        // Wait for the thread pool to be shutdown() then for all threads to enter a joinable state
        var sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));
        if (!(sync.state == .shutdown and sync.spawned == 0)) {
            sync = @as(Sync, @bitCast(self.sync.load(.monotonic)));

        assert(sync.state == .shutdown);
        assert(sync.spawned == 0);

        // If there are threads, start off the chain sending it the shutdown signal.
        // The thread receives the shutdown signal and sends it to the next thread, and the next..
        const thread = self.threads.load(.acquire) orelse return;

    const Thread = struct {
        next: ?*Thread = null,
        target: ?*Thread = null,
        join_event: Event = .{},
        run_queue: Node.Queue = .{},
        run_buffer: Node.Buffer = .{},

        threadlocal var current: ?*Thread = null;

        /// Thread entry point which runs a worker for the ThreadPool
        fn run(thread_pool: *ThreadPool) void {
            var self = Thread{};
            current = &self;

            defer thread_pool.unregister(&self);

            var is_waking = false;
            while (true) {
                is_waking = thread_pool.wait(is_waking) catch return;

                while (self.pop(thread_pool)) |result| {
                    if (result.pushed or is_waking)
                    is_waking = false;

                    const task: *Task = @fieldParentPtr("node", result.node);

        /// Try to dequeue a Node/Task from the ThreadPool.
        /// Spurious reports of dequeue() returning empty are allowed.
        fn pop(noalias self: *Thread, noalias thread_pool: *ThreadPool) ?Node.Buffer.Stole {
            // Check our local buffer first
            if (self.run_buffer.pop()) |node| {
                return Node.Buffer.Stole{
                    .node = node,
                    .pushed = false,

            // Then check our local queue
            if (self.run_buffer.consume(&self.run_queue)) |stole| {
                return stole;

            // Then the global queue
            if (self.run_buffer.consume(&thread_pool.run_queue)) |stole| {
                return stole;

            // TODO: add optimistic I/O polling here

            // Then try work stealing from other threads
            var num_threads: u32 = @as(Sync, @bitCast(thread_pool.sync.load(.monotonic))).spawned;
            while (num_threads > 0) : (num_threads -= 1) {
                // Traverse the stack of registered threads on the thread pool
                const target = orelse thread_pool.threads.load(.acquire) orelse unreachable;

                // Try to steal from their queue first to avoid contention (the target steal's from queue last).
                if (self.run_buffer.consume(&target.run_queue)) |stole| {
                    return stole;

                // Skip stealing from the buffer if we're the target.
                // We still steal from our own queue above given it may have just been locked the first time we tried.
                if (target == self) {

                // Steal from the buffer of a remote thread as a last resort
                if (self.run_buffer.steal(&target.run_buffer)) |stole| {
                    return stole;

            return null;

    /// An event which stores 1 semaphore token and is multi-threaded safe.
    /// The event can be shutdown(), waking up all wait()ing threads and
    /// making subsequent wait()'s return immediately.
    const Event = struct {
        state: Atomic(u32) = Atomic(u32).init(EMPTY),

        const EMPTY = 0;
        const WAITING = 1;
        const NOTIFIED = 2;
        const SHUTDOWN = 3;

        /// Wait for and consume a notification
        /// or wait for the event to be shutdown entirely
        noinline fn wait(self: *Event) void {
            var acquire_with: u32 = EMPTY;
            var state = self.state.load(.monotonic);

            while (true) {
                // If we're shutdown then exit early.
                // Acquire barrier to ensure operations before the shutdown() are seen after the wait().
                // Shutdown is rare so it's better to have an Acquire barrier here instead of on CAS failure + load which are common.
                if (state == SHUTDOWN) {

                // Consume a notification when it pops up.
                // Acquire barrier to ensure operations before the notify() appear after the wait().
                if (state == NOTIFIED) {
                    state = self.state.cmpxchgWeak(
                    ) orelse return;

                // There is no notification to consume, we should wait on the event by ensuring its WAITING.
                if (state != WAITING) blk: {
                    state = self.state.cmpxchgWeak(
                    ) orelse break :blk;

                // Wait on the event until a notify() or shutdown().
                // If we wake up to a notification, we must acquire it with WAITING instead of EMPTY
                // since there may be other threads sleeping on the Futex who haven't been woken up yet.
                // Acquiring to WAITING will make the next notify() or shutdown() wake a sleeping futex thread
                // who will either exit on SHUTDOWN or acquire with WAITING again, ensuring all threads are awoken.
                // This unfortunately results in the last notify() or shutdown() doing an extra futex wake but that's fine.
                std.Thread.Futex.wait(&self.state, WAITING);
                state = self.state.load(.monotonic);
                acquire_with = WAITING;

        /// Post a notification to the event if it doesn't have one already
        /// then wake up a waiting thread if there is one as well.
        fn notify(self: *Event) void {
            return self.wake(NOTIFIED, 1);

        /// Marks the event as shutdown, making all future wait()'s return immediately.
        /// Then wakes up any threads currently waiting on the Event.
        fn shutdown(self: *Event) void {
            return self.wake(SHUTDOWN, std.math.maxInt(u32));

        fn wake(self: *Event, release_with: u32, wake_threads: u32) void {
            // Update the Event to notifty it with the new `release_with` state (either NOTIFIED or SHUTDOWN).
            // Release barrier to ensure any operations before this are this to happen before the wait() in the other threads.
            const state = self.state.swap(release_with, .release);

            // Only wake threads sleeping in futex if the state is WAITING.
            // Avoids unnecessary wake ups.
            if (state == WAITING) {
                std.Thread.Futex.wake(&self.state, wake_threads);

    /// Linked list intrusive memory node and lock-free data structures to operate with it
    const Node = struct {
        next: ?*Node = null,

        /// A linked list of Nodes
        const List = struct {
            head: *Node,
            tail: *Node,

        /// An unbounded multi-producer-(non blocking)-multi-consumer queue of Node pointers.
        const Queue = struct {
            stack: Atomic(usize) = Atomic(usize).init(0),
            cache: ?*Node = null,

            const HAS_CACHE: usize = 0b01;
            const IS_CONSUMING: usize = 0b10;
            const PTR_MASK: usize = ~(HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING);

            comptime {
                assert(@alignOf(Node) >= ((IS_CONSUMING | HAS_CACHE) + 1));

            fn push(noalias self: *Queue, list: List) void {
                var stack = self.stack.load(.monotonic);
                while (true) {
                    // Attach the list to the stack (pt. 1)
           = @as(?*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));

                    // Update the stack with the list (pt. 2).
                    // Don't change the HAS_CACHE and IS_CONSUMING bits of the consumer.
                    var new_stack = @intFromPtr(list.head);
                    assert(new_stack & ~PTR_MASK == 0);
                    new_stack |= (stack & ~PTR_MASK);

                    // Push to the stack with a release barrier for the consumer to see the proper list links.
                    stack = self.stack.cmpxchgWeak(
                    ) orelse break;

            fn tryAcquireConsumer(self: *Queue) error{ Empty, Contended }!?*Node {
                var stack = self.stack.load(.monotonic);
                while (true) {
                    if (stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0)
                        return error.Contended; // The queue already has a consumer.
                    if (stack & (HAS_CACHE | PTR_MASK) == 0)
                        return error.Empty; // The queue is empty when there's nothing cached and nothing in the stack.

                    // When we acquire the consumer, also consume the pushed stack if the cache is empty.
                    var new_stack = stack | HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING;
                    if (stack & HAS_CACHE == 0) {
                        assert(stack & PTR_MASK != 0);
                        new_stack &= ~PTR_MASK;

                    // Acquire barrier on getting the consumer to see cache/Node updates done by previous consumers
                    // and to ensure our cache/Node updates in pop() happen after that of previous consumers.
                    stack = self.stack.cmpxchgWeak(
                    ) orelse return self.cache orelse @as(*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));

            fn releaseConsumer(noalias self: *Queue, noalias consumer: ?*Node) void {
                // Stop consuming and remove the HAS_CACHE bit as well if the consumer's cache is empty.
                // When HAS_CACHE bit is zeroed, the next consumer will acquire the pushed stack nodes.
                var remove = IS_CONSUMING;
                if (consumer == null)
                    remove |= HAS_CACHE;

                // Release the consumer with a release barrier to ensure cache/node accesses
                // happen before the consumer was released and before the next consumer starts using the cache.
                self.cache = consumer;
                const stack = self.stack.fetchSub(remove, .release);
                assert(stack & remove != 0);

            fn pop(noalias self: *Queue, noalias consumer_ref: *?*Node) ?*Node {
                // Check the consumer cache (fast path)
                if (consumer_ref.*) |node| {
                    consumer_ref.* =;
                    return node;

                // Load the stack to see if there was anything pushed that we could grab.
                var stack = self.stack.load(.monotonic);
                assert(stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0);
                if (stack & PTR_MASK == 0) {
                    return null;

                // Nodes have been pushed to the stack, grab then with an Acquire barrier to see the Node links.
                stack = self.stack.swap(HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING, .acquire);
                assert(stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0);
                assert(stack & PTR_MASK != 0);

                const node = @as(*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));
                consumer_ref.* =;
                return node;

        /// A bounded single-producer, multi-consumer ring buffer for node pointers.
        const Buffer = struct {
            head: Atomic(Index) = Atomic(Index).init(0),
            tail: Atomic(Index) = Atomic(Index).init(0),
            array: [capacity]Atomic(*Node) = undefined,

            const Index = u32;
            const capacity = 256; // Appears to be a pretty good trade-off in space vs contended throughput
            comptime {
                assert(std.math.maxInt(Index) >= capacity);

            fn push(noalias self: *Buffer, noalias list: *List) error{Overflow}!void {
                var head = self.head.load(.monotonic);
                var tail = self.tail.raw; // we're the only thread that can change this

                while (true) {
                    var size = tail -% head;
                    assert(size <= capacity);

                    // Push nodes from the list to the buffer if it's not empty..
                    if (size < capacity) {
                        var nodes: ?*Node = list.head;
                        while (size < capacity) : (size += 1) {
                            const node = nodes orelse break;
                            nodes =;

                            // Array written atomically with weakest ordering since it could be getting atomically read by steal().
                            self.array[tail % capacity].store(node, .unordered);
                            tail +%= 1;

                        // Release barrier synchronizes with Acquire loads for steal()ers to see the array writes.
              , .release);

                        // Update the list with the nodes we pushed to the buffer and try again if there's more.
                        list.head = nodes orelse return;
                        head = self.head.load(.monotonic);

                    // Try to steal/overflow half of the tasks in the buffer to make room for future push()es.
                    // Migrating half amortizes the cost of stealing while requiring future pops to still use the buffer.
                    // Acquire barrier to ensure the linked list creation after the steal only happens after we succesfully steal.
                    var migrate = size / 2;
                    head = self.head.cmpxchgWeak(
                        head +% migrate,
                    ) orelse {
                        // Link the migrated Nodes together
                        const first = self.array[head % capacity].raw;
                        while (migrate > 0) : (migrate -= 1) {
                            const prev = self.array[head % capacity].raw;
                            head +%= 1;
                   = self.array[head % capacity].raw;

                        // Append the list that was supposed to be pushed to the end of the migrated Nodes
                        const last = self.array[(head -% 1) % capacity].raw;
               = list.head;
               = null;

                        // Return the migrated nodes + the original list as overflowed
                        list.head = first;
                        return error.Overflow;

            fn pop(self: *Buffer) ?*Node {
                var head = self.head.load(.monotonic);
                const tail = self.tail.raw; // we're the only thread that can change this

                while (true) {
                    // Quick sanity check and return null when not empty
                    const size = tail -% head;
                    assert(size <= capacity);
                    if (size == 0) {
                        return null;

                    // Dequeue with an acquire barrier to ensure any writes done to the Node
                    // only happen after we succesfully claim it from the array.
                    head = self.head.cmpxchgWeak(
                        head +% 1,
                    ) orelse return self.array[head % capacity].raw;

            const Stole = struct {
                node: *Node,
                pushed: bool,

            fn consume(noalias self: *Buffer, noalias queue: *Queue) ?Stole {
                var consumer = queue.tryAcquireConsumer() catch return null;
                defer queue.releaseConsumer(consumer);

                const head = self.head.load(.monotonic);
                const tail = self.tail.raw; // we're the only thread that can change this

                const size = tail -% head;
                assert(size <= capacity);
                assert(size == 0); // we should only be consuming if our array is empty

                // Pop nodes from the queue and push them to our array.
                // Atomic stores to the array as steal() threads may be atomically reading from it.
                var pushed: Index = 0;
                while (pushed < capacity) : (pushed += 1) {
                    const node = queue.pop(&consumer) orelse break;
                    self.array[(tail +% pushed) % capacity].store(node, .unordered);

                // We will be returning one node that we stole from the queue.
                // Get an extra, and if that's not possible, take one from our array.
                const node = queue.pop(&consumer) orelse blk: {
                    if (pushed == 0) return null;
                    pushed -= 1;
                    break :blk self.array[(tail +% pushed) % capacity].raw;

                // Update the array tail with the nodes we pushed to it.
                // Release barrier to synchronize with Acquire barrier in steal()'s to see the written array Nodes.
                if (pushed > 0) +% pushed, .release);
                return Stole{
                    .node = node,
                    .pushed = pushed > 0,

            fn steal(noalias self: *Buffer, noalias buffer: *Buffer) ?Stole {
                const head = self.head.load(.monotonic);
                const tail = self.tail.raw; // we're the only thread that can change this

                const size = tail -% head;
                assert(size <= capacity);
                assert(size == 0); // we should only be stealing if our array is empty

                while (true) : (std.atomic.spinLoopHint()) {
                    const buffer_head = buffer.head.load(.acquire);
                    const buffer_tail = buffer.tail.load(.acquire);

                    // Overly large size indicates the the tail was updated a lot after the head was loaded.
                    // Reload both and try again.
                    const buffer_size = buffer_tail -% buffer_head;
                    if (buffer_size > capacity) {

                    // Try to steal half (divCeil) to amortize the cost of stealing from other threads.
                    const steal_size = buffer_size - (buffer_size / 2);
                    if (steal_size == 0) {
                        return null;

                    // Copy the nodes we will steal from the target's array to our own.
                    // Atomically load from the target buffer array as it may be pushing and atomically storing to it.
                    // Atomic store to our array as other steal() threads may be atomically loading from it as above.
                    var i: Index = 0;
                    while (i < steal_size) : (i += 1) {
                        const node = buffer.array[(buffer_head +% i) % capacity].load(.unordered);
                        self.array[(tail +% i) % capacity].store(node, .unordered);

                    // Try to commit the steal from the target buffer using:
                    // - an Acquire barrier to ensure that we only interact with the stolen Nodes after the steal was committed.
                    // - a Release barrier to ensure that the Nodes are copied above prior to the committing of the steal
                    //   because if they're copied after the steal, the could be getting rewritten by the target's push().
                    _ = buffer.head.cmpxchgStrong(
                        buffer_head +% steal_size,
                    ) orelse {
                        // Pop one from the nodes we stole as we'll be returning it
                        const pushed = steal_size - 1;
                        const node = self.array[(tail +% pushed) % capacity].raw;

                        // Update the array tail with the nodes we pushed to it.
                        // Release barrier to synchronize with Acquire barrier in steal()'s to see the written array Nodes.
                        if (pushed > 0) +% pushed, .release);
                        return Stole{
                            .node = node,
                            .pushed = pushed > 0,

test "ThreadPool callback" {
    var thread_pool = ThreadPool.init(.{});
    defer thread_pool.deinit();
    defer thread_pool.shutdown();

    var task = ThreadPool.Task{
        .callback = myCallbackFunction,
    const batch = ThreadPool.Batch.from(&task);


    try std.testing.expect(thread_pool.max_threads == std.Thread.getCpuCount() catch 0);

fn myCallbackFunction(task: *ThreadPool.Task) void {
    _ = task;
    std.debug.print("\nHello from thread {}\n", .{std.Thread.getCurrentId()});