package com.thealgorithms.dynamicprogramming;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Utility class to find the number of unique subsequences that can be
* produced from a given string.
* <p> This class contains static methods to compute the unique subsequence count
* using dynamic programming and recursion. It ensures that duplicate characters
* are not counted multiple times in the subsequences.</p>
* <p> Author: </p>
public final class UniqueSubsequencesCount {
* Private constructor to prevent instantiation of this utility class.
* This class should only be used in a static context.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if attempted to instantiate.
private UniqueSubsequencesCount() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Utility class");
* Finds the number of unique subsequences that can be generated from
* the given string.
* <p> This method initializes a dynamic programming (DP) array and invokes
* the recursive helper function to compute the subsequence count.</p>
* @param str the input string from which subsequences are generated
* @return the total count of unique subsequences
public static int countSubseq(String str) {
// DP array initialized to store intermediate results
int[] dp = new int[str.length() + 1];
Arrays.fill(dp, -1);
// Calls the recursive function to compute the result
return countSubsequences(str, 0, dp);
* Recursive helper function to count the number of unique subsequences
* starting from the given index.
* <p> Uses a HashSet to avoid counting duplicate characters within
* a single subsequence.</p>
* @param st the input string
* @param idx the current index from which to calculate subsequences
* @param dp dynamic programming array used to memoize results
* @return the total number of unique subsequences starting from the
* current index
public static int countSubsequences(String st, int idx, int[] dp) {
// Base case: when index exceeds the string length
if (idx >= st.length()) {
return 0;
// If result is already calculated, return the memoized value
if (dp[idx] != -1) {
return dp[idx];
// Set to store characters to avoid duplicates
Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>();
int res = 0;
// Iterate over the string starting from current index
for (int j = idx; j < st.length(); j++) {
// If character is already in the set, skip it
if (set.contains(st.charAt(j))) {
// Add character to set and recursively calculate subsequences
// 1 for the current subsequence + recursive call for the rest of the string
res = 1 + countSubsequences(st, j + 1, dp) + res;
// Memoize the result
dp[idx] = res;
return dp[idx];