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Binary Length

Returns the length of binNum's binary representation.

# Input parameters:
- `binNum` : The number to find the binary length of.

# Examples/Tests:
bin_length(1)       # returns 1
bin_length(2)       # returns 2
bin_length(3)       # returns 2
bin_length(4)       # returns 3
bin_length(5)       # returns 3
bin_length(12)      # returns 4
bin_length(256)     # returns 9
bin_length(1024)    # returns 11
bin_length(-1)      # throws DomainError

Contributed by: [Praneeth Jain](
function bin_length(binNum::T) where {T<:Integer}
    binNum <= 0 && throw(DomainError("binNum must be a positive integer"))
    return floor(log2(binNum)) + 1

This algorithm features use of the OEIS entry A070939 - 
length of Binary Representation of n. It finds 
the length of any binary number and returns said length.

This function, as believed, is O(n)

The idea follows that the sequence is dependent on 
a repeating pattern of 2. Short for sequence, seq is the
number of digits required before an increase in finNum 
or final number as seen here with the first few
iterations - i on the left, final number on the right:

1 : 1 
2 : 2
3 : 2
4 : 3
5 : 3
6 : 3
7 : 3
8 : 4

As you can see, for every version of i, there is an appropriate
modified number that only repeats for the sequence of the last
doubled amount.

Contributed by F35H:
function bin_length_long(binNum::T) where {T<:Integer}
    binNum <= 0 && throw(DomainError("binNum must be a positive integer"))

    finNum = 0
    seq = 1

    for i in 1:binNum
        if (i == seq)
            finNum += 1
            seq *= 2

    return finNum

This algorithm features use of the OEIS entry A070939 - 
length of Binary Representation of n. It finds 
the length of any binary number and returns said length.

This function, as believed, is O(log(n))

The idea follows that the sequence is dependent on 
a repeating pattern of 2. The final number being finNum
increases on every doubling of i.

1 : 1 
2 : 2
3 : 2
4 : 3
5 : 3
6 : 3
7 : 3
8 : 4

As you can see, for every version of i, there is an appropriate
final number that iterates on every doubling of i.

- [F45H](
function bin_length_short(binNum::T) where {T<:Integer}
    binNum <= 0 && throw(DomainError("binNum must be a positive integer"))

    finNum = 0
    i = 1

    while i <= binNum
        i *= 2
        finNum += 1

    return finNum