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from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase

def capitalize(sentence: str) -> str:
    Capitalizes the first letter of a sentence or word.

    >>> capitalize("hello world")
    'Hello world'
    >>> capitalize("123 hello world")
    '123 hello world'
    >>> capitalize(" hello world")
    ' hello world'
    >>> capitalize("a")
    >>> capitalize("")
    if not sentence:
        return ""

    # Create a dictionary that maps lowercase letters to uppercase letters
    # Capitalize the first character if it's a lowercase letter
    # Concatenate the capitalized character with the rest of the string
    lower_to_upper = dict(zip(ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase))
    return lower_to_upper.get(sentence[0], sentence[0]) + sentence[1:]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from doctest import testmod
