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Decimal To Roman

    Decimal To Roman

    This algorithm take decimal number and convert to roman numeral according to standard form (

    Algorithm & Explanation :

const values = {
  M: 1000,
  CM: 900,
  D: 500,
  CD: 400,
  C: 100,
  XC: 90,
  L: 50,
  XL: 40,
  X: 10,
  IX: 9,
  V: 5,
  IV: 4,
  I: 1

const orders = [

function decimalToRoman(num) {
  let roman = ''
  for (const symbol of orders) {
    while (num >= values[symbol]) {
      roman += symbol
      num -= values[symbol]
  return roman

export { decimalToRoman }