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Find Second Largest Element

 * Find Second Largest is a real technical interview question.
 * Chances are you will be asked to find the second largest value
 * inside of an array of numbers. You must also be able to filter
 * out duplicate values.  It's important to know how to do this with
 * clean code that is also easy to explain.
 * Resources:

const secondLargestElement = (array) => {
  const largestElement = Math.max(...array)
  let element = -Number.MAX_VALUE

  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (element < array[i] && array[i] !== largestElement) {
      element = array[i]

  return element

export { secondLargestElement }
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Problem statement

Given an unsorted array, write a function to find the second largest element in the array.


  • Find the largest element in the array by traversing through the array using a loop and store the value in a variable (for ex: a )
  • Assign a variable to store the negative infinite value, which stores the least value (for ex: b )
  • Run a loop from zero to the size of the array.
  • Now check whether the current element is greater than variable "b" and also not equal to variable "a", which is the largest number in the array.
  • if the above condition is true, then the variable b stores the current element.

Time Complexity

  • Best case: O(n)
  • Average case: O(n)
  • Worst case: O(n)

Space Complexity

Worst case: O(1)


arr =    [2, 5,  3,  9,  12, 34, 25]
Indexes:  0   1   2   3   4   5   6
a = max(arr) 
(a = 34)
b = float("-inf")

Traverse elements from i = 0 to i = 6
i = 0
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[0]) and arr[0] != a
True : b = arr[0] (b = 2)

i = 1
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[1]) and arr[1] != a
True : b = arr[0] (b = 5)

i = 2
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[2]) and arr[2] != a
False : As b = 5 is greater than the current element arr[2] = 3
continues with the loop

i = 3
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[3]) and arr[3] != a
True : b = arr[3] (b = 9)

i = 4
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[4]) and arr[4] != a
True : b = arr[4] (b = 12)

i = 5
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[5]) and arr[5] != a
False:  As current element is equal to the variable "a" which stores the highest value in the array
continues with the loop

i = 6
Check if b < arr[i] (arr[6]) and arr[6] != a
True : b = arr[6] (b = 25)

Now we get the value 25 in the variable "b", which is the second highest value in the array.

Video Explanation

Video explaining 2 approaches