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Local Weighted Learning

Locally weighted linear regression, also called local regression, is a type of
non-parametric linear regression that prioritizes data closest to a given
prediction point. The algorithm estimates the vector of model coefficients β
using weighted least squares regression:

β = (XᵀWX)⁻¹(XᵀWy),

where X is the design matrix, y is the response vector, and W is the diagonal
weight matrix.

This implementation calculates wᵢ, the weight of the ith training sample, using
the Gaussian weight:

wᵢ = exp(-‖xᵢ - x‖²/(2τ²)),

where xᵢ is the ith training sample, x is the prediction point, τ is the
"bandwidth", and ‖x‖ is the Euclidean norm (also called the 2-norm or the L²
norm). The bandwidth τ controls how quickly the weight of a training sample
decreases as its distance from the prediction point increases. One can think of
the Gaussian weight as a bell curve centered around the prediction point: a
training sample is weighted lower if it's farther from the center, and τ
controls the spread of the bell curve.

Other types of locally weighted regression such as locally estimated scatterplot
smoothing (LOESS) typically use different weight functions.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def weight_matrix(point: np.ndarray, x_train: np.ndarray, tau: float) -> np.ndarray:
    Calculate the weight of every point in the training data around a given
    prediction point

        point: x-value at which the prediction is being made
        x_train: ndarray of x-values for training
        tau: bandwidth value, controls how quickly the weight of training values
            decreases as the distance from the prediction point increases

        m x m weight matrix around the prediction point, where m is the size of
        the training set
    >>> weight_matrix(
    ...     np.array([1., 1.]),
    ...     np.array([[16.99, 10.34], [21.01,23.68], [24.59,25.69]]),
    ...     0.6
    ... )
    array([[1.43807972e-207, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000],
           [0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000],
           [0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000]])
    m = len(x_train)  # Number of training samples
    weights = np.eye(m)  # Initialize weights as identity matrix
    for j in range(m):
        diff = point - x_train[j]
        weights[j, j] = np.exp(diff @ diff.T / (-2.0 * tau**2))

    return weights

def local_weight(
    point: np.ndarray, x_train: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray, tau: float
) -> np.ndarray:
    Calculate the local weights at a given prediction point using the weight
    matrix for that point

        point: x-value at which the prediction is being made
        x_train: ndarray of x-values for training
        y_train: ndarray of y-values for training
        tau: bandwidth value, controls how quickly the weight of training values
            decreases as the distance from the prediction point increases
        ndarray of local weights
    >>> local_weight(
    ...     np.array([1., 1.]),
    ...     np.array([[16.99, 10.34], [21.01,23.68], [24.59,25.69]]),
    ...     np.array([[1.01, 1.66, 3.5]]),
    ...     0.6
    ... )
    weight_mat = weight_matrix(point, x_train, tau)
    weight = np.linalg.inv(x_train.T @ weight_mat @ x_train) @ (
        x_train.T @ weight_mat @ y_train.T

    return weight

def local_weight_regression(
    x_train: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray, tau: float
) -> np.ndarray:
    Calculate predictions for each point in the training data

        x_train: ndarray of x-values for training
        y_train: ndarray of y-values for training
        tau: bandwidth value, controls how quickly the weight of training values
            decreases as the distance from the prediction point increases

        ndarray of predictions
    >>> local_weight_regression(
    ...     np.array([[16.99, 10.34], [21.01, 23.68], [24.59, 25.69]]),
    ...     np.array([[1.01, 1.66, 3.5]]),
    ...     0.6
    ... )
    array([1.07173261, 1.65970737, 3.50160179])
    y_pred = np.zeros(len(x_train))  # Initialize array of predictions
    for i, item in enumerate(x_train):
        y_pred[i] =, local_weight(item, x_train, y_train, tau)).item()

    return y_pred

def load_data(
    dataset_name: str, x_name: str, y_name: str
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Load data from seaborn and split it into x and y points
    >>> pass    # No doctests, function is for demo purposes only
    import seaborn as sns

    data = sns.load_dataset(dataset_name)
    x_data = np.array(data[x_name])
    y_data = np.array(data[y_name])

    one = np.ones(len(y_data))

    # pairing elements of one and x_data
    x_train = np.column_stack((one, x_data))

    return x_train, x_data, y_data

def plot_preds(
    x_train: np.ndarray,
    preds: np.ndarray,
    x_data: np.ndarray,
    y_data: np.ndarray,
    x_name: str,
    y_name: str,
) -> None:
    Plot predictions and display the graph
    >>> pass    # No doctests, function is for demo purposes only
    x_train_sorted = np.sort(x_train, axis=0)
    plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, color="blue")
        x_train_sorted[:, 1],
        preds[x_train[:, 1].argsort(0)],
    plt.title("Local Weighted Regression")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest


    # Demo with a dataset from the seaborn module
    training_data_x, total_bill, tip = load_data("tips", "total_bill", "tip")
    predictions = local_weight_regression(training_data_x, tip, 5)
    plot_preds(training_data_x, predictions, total_bill, tip, "total_bill", "tip")