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Searching of Element in Dynamic Array

 *this program is use to find any elemet in any row with variable array size
 *aplication of pointer is use in it
 *important point start from here to:
 *the index value of array can be go to 1 to 100000
 *check till array[1000]
 *end here
 *how to work example:
 ***number of array 2
 ***quarry 3
 ***array 1 is {1 2 3 4 5}
 ***array 2 is {6 7}
 ****i) what is 2nd element in 1st array
 ****ii) what is 1st element in 2nd array
 ****iii) what is 5th element in 1st array
 *****Enter Number of array you want to Store : 2
 *****Enter Number of Question or Quary you want to do Related to Array : 3
 *****Enter number of element in 1 rows : 5
 *****Enter the element of Array 1 2 3 4 5
 *****Enter number of element in 2 rows : 2
 *****Enter the element of Array 6 7
 *****enter the number of row which element You want to find : 1
 *****enter the position of element which You want to find : 2
 *****The element is 2
 *****enter the number of row which element You want to find : 2
 *****enter the position of element which You want to find : 1
 *****The element is 6
 *****enter the number of row which element You want to find : 1
 *****enter the position of element which You want to find : 5
 *****The element is 5
#include <iostream>

// this is main fuction
// ***
int main() {
    int64_t r, mr = 0, x, q, i, z;
    std::cout << "Enter Number of array you want to Store :";
    std::cin >> x;
    std::cout << "Enter Number of ";
    std::cout << "Question or Quary you ";
    std::cout << "want to do Related to Array :";
    std::cin >> q;
    // create a Array in run time because use can
    // change the size of each array which he/she is going to store
    // create a 2D array
    int** ar = new int*[x]();
    // this for loop is use for entering different variable size array
    // ***
    for (r = 0; r < x; r++) {
        std::cout << "Enter number of element in " << r + 1 << " rows :";
        std::cin >> mr;
        // creating a 1D array
        int* ac = new int[mr]();
        std::cout << "Enter the element of Array ";
        // this for loop is use for storing values in array
        // ***
        for (i = 0; i < mr; i++) {
            // entering the value of rows in array in Horizontal
            std::cin >> ac[i];
        // Change the position of Array so that new arrays entery will be done
        ar[r] = ac;
    // this for loop is use for display result of querry
    // ***
    for (z = 0; z < q; z++) {
        int64_t r1 = 0, q1 = 0;
        std::cout << "enter the number of row which element you want to find :";
        std::cin >> r1;
        r1 = r1 - 1;
        std::cout << "enter the position of element which you want to find :";
        std::cin >> q1;
        q1 = q1 - 1;
        // use this to find desire position of element in desire array
        std::cout << "The element is " << ar[r1][q1] << std::endl;