package com.thealgorithms.searches;
* This class provides a method to search for a target value in a 2D sorted
* array.
* The search is performed using a combination of binary search on rows and
* columns.
* The 2D array must be strictly sorted in both rows and columns.
* The algorithm works by:
* 1. Performing a binary search on the middle column of the 2D array.
* 2. Depending on the value found, it eliminates rows above or below the middle
* element.
* 3. After finding or eliminating rows, it further applies binary search in the
* relevant columns.
public final class BinarySearch2dArray {
private BinarySearch2dArray() {
* Performs a binary search on a 2D sorted array to find the target value.
* The array must be sorted in ascending order in both rows and columns.
* @param arr The 2D array to search in.
* @param target The value to search for.
* @return An array containing the row and column indices of the target, or [-1,
* -1] if the target is not found.
static int[] binarySearch(int[][] arr, int target) {
int rowCount = arr.length;
int colCount = arr[0].length;
// Edge case: If there's only one row, search that row directly.
if (rowCount == 1) {
return binarySearch(arr, target, 0, 0, colCount);
// Set initial boundaries for binary search on rows.
int startRow = 0;
int endRow = rowCount - 1;
int midCol = colCount / 2; // Middle column index for comparison.
// Perform binary search on rows based on the middle column.
while (startRow < endRow - 1) {
int midRow = startRow + (endRow - startRow) / 2;
// If the middle element matches the target, return its position.
if (arr[midRow][midCol] == target) {
return new int[] {midRow, midCol};
// If the middle element is smaller than the target, discard the upper half.
else if (arr[midRow][midCol] < target) {
startRow = midRow;
// If the middle element is larger than the target, discard the lower half.
else {
endRow = midRow;
// If the target wasn't found during the row search, check the middle column of
// startRow and endRow.
if (arr[startRow][midCol] == target) {
return new int[] {startRow, midCol};
if (arr[endRow][midCol] == target) {
return new int[] {endRow, midCol};
// If target is smaller than the element in the left of startRow, perform a
// binary search on the left of startRow.
if (target <= arr[startRow][midCol - 1]) {
return binarySearch(arr, target, startRow, 0, midCol - 1);
// If target is between midCol and the last column of startRow, perform a binary
// search on that part of the row.
if (target >= arr[startRow][midCol + 1] && target <= arr[startRow][colCount - 1]) {
return binarySearch(arr, target, startRow, midCol + 1, colCount - 1);
// If target is smaller than the element in the left of endRow, perform a binary
// search on the left of endRow.
if (target <= arr[endRow][midCol - 1]) {
return binarySearch(arr, target, endRow, 0, midCol - 1);
} else {
// Otherwise, search on the right of endRow.
return binarySearch(arr, target, endRow, midCol + 1, colCount - 1);
* Performs a binary search on a specific row of the 2D array.
* @param arr The 2D array to search in.
* @param target The value to search for.
* @param row The row index where the target will be searched.
* @param colStart The starting column index for the search.
* @param colEnd The ending column index for the search.
* @return An array containing the row and column indices of the target, or [-1,
* -1] if the target is not found.
static int[] binarySearch(int[][] arr, int target, int row, int colStart, int colEnd) {
// Perform binary search within the specified column range.
while (colStart <= colEnd) {
int midIndex = colStart + (colEnd - colStart) / 2;
// If the middle element matches the target, return its position.
if (arr[row][midIndex] == target) {
return new int[] {row, midIndex};
// If the middle element is smaller than the target, move to the right half.
else if (arr[row][midIndex] < target) {
colStart = midIndex + 1;
// If the middle element is larger than the target, move to the left half.
else {
colEnd = midIndex - 1;
return new int[] {-1, -1}; // Target not found