//! This module provides functions for finding the shortest palindrome
//! that can be formed by adding characters to the left of a given string.
//! References
//! - [KMP](https://www.scaler.com/topics/data-structures/kmp-algorithm/)
//! - [Prefix Functions and KPM](https://oi-wiki.org/string/kmp/)
/// Finds the shortest palindrome that can be formed by adding characters
/// to the left of the given string `s`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `s` - A string slice that holds the input string.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a new string that is the shortest palindrome, formed by adding
/// the necessary characters to the beginning of `s`.
pub fn shortest_palindrome(s: &str) -> String {
if s.is_empty() {
return "".to_string();
let original_chars: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
let suffix_table = compute_suffix(&original_chars);
let mut reversed_chars: Vec<char> = s.chars().rev().collect();
// The prefix of the original string matches the suffix of the reversed string.
let prefix_match = compute_prefix_match(&original_chars, &reversed_chars, &suffix_table);
reversed_chars.append(&mut original_chars[prefix_match[original_chars.len() - 1]..].to_vec());
/// Computes the suffix table used for the KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt) string
/// matching algorithm.
/// # Arguments
/// * `chars` - A slice of characters for which the suffix table is computed.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a vector of `usize` representing the suffix table. Each element
/// at index `i` indicates the longest proper suffix which is also a proper
/// prefix of the substring `chars[0..=i]`.
pub fn compute_suffix(chars: &[char]) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut suffix = vec![0; chars.len()];
for i in 1..chars.len() {
let mut j = suffix[i - 1];
while j > 0 && chars[j] != chars[i] {
j = suffix[j - 1];
suffix[i] = j + if chars[j] == chars[i] { 1 } else { 0 };
/// Computes the prefix matches of the original string against its reversed
/// version using the suffix table.
/// # Arguments
/// * `original` - A slice of characters representing the original string.
/// * `reversed` - A slice of characters representing the reversed string.
/// * `suffix` - A slice containing the suffix table computed for the original string.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a vector of `usize` where each element at index `i` indicates the
/// length of the longest prefix of `original` that matches a suffix of
/// `reversed[0..=i]`.
pub fn compute_prefix_match(original: &[char], reversed: &[char], suffix: &[usize]) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut match_table = vec![0; original.len()];
match_table[0] = if original[0] == reversed[0] { 1 } else { 0 };
for i in 1..original.len() {
let mut j = match_table[i - 1];
while j > 0 && reversed[i] != original[j] {
j = suffix[j - 1];
match_table[i] = j + if reversed[i] == original[j] { 1 } else { 0 };
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::string::is_palindrome;
macro_rules! test_shortest_palindrome {
($($name:ident: $inputs:expr,)*) => {
fn $name() {
let (input, expected) = $inputs;
assert_eq!(shortest_palindrome(input), expected);
assert_eq!(shortest_palindrome(expected), expected);
test_shortest_palindrome! {
empty: ("", ""),
extend_left_1: ("aacecaaa", "aaacecaaa"),
extend_left_2: ("abcd", "dcbabcd"),
unicode_1: ("അ", "അ"),
unicode_2: ("a牛", "牛a牛"),
single_char: ("x", "x"),
already_palindrome: ("racecar", "racecar"),
extend_left_3: ("abcde", "edcbabcde"),
extend_left_4: ("abca", "acbabca"),
long_string: ("abcdefg", "gfedcbabcdefg"),
repetitive: ("aaaaa", "aaaaa"),
complex: ("abacdfgdcaba", "abacdgfdcabacdfgdcaba"),