package com.thealgorithms.others;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* The {@code SkylineProblem} class is used to solve the skyline problem using a
* divide-and-conquer approach.
* It reads input for building data, processes it to find the skyline, and
* prints the skyline.
public class SkylineProblem {
Building[] building;
int count;
* Adds a building with the given left, height, and right values to the
* buildings list.
* @param left The left x-coordinate of the building.
* @param height The height of the building.
* @param right The right x-coordinate of the building.
public void add(int left, int height, int right) {
building[count++] = new Building(left, height, right);
* Computes the skyline for a range of buildings using the divide-and-conquer
* strategy.
* @param start The starting index of the buildings to process.
* @param end The ending index of the buildings to process.
* @return A list of {@link Skyline} objects representing the computed skyline.
public ArrayList<Skyline> findSkyline(int start, int end) {
// Base case: only one building, return its skyline.
if (start == end) {
ArrayList<Skyline> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new Skyline(building[start].left, building[start].height));
list.add(new Skyline(building[end].right, 0)); // Add the end of the building
return list;
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
ArrayList<Skyline> sky1 = this.findSkyline(start, mid); // Find the skyline of the left half
ArrayList<Skyline> sky2 = this.findSkyline(mid + 1, end); // Find the skyline of the right half
return this.mergeSkyline(sky1, sky2); // Merge the two skylines
* Merges two skylines (sky1 and sky2) into one combined skyline.
* @param sky1 The first skyline list.
* @param sky2 The second skyline list.
* @return A list of {@link Skyline} objects representing the merged skyline.
public ArrayList<Skyline> mergeSkyline(ArrayList<Skyline> sky1, ArrayList<Skyline> sky2) {
int currentH1 = 0;
int currentH2 = 0;
ArrayList<Skyline> skyline = new ArrayList<>();
int maxH = 0;
// Merge the two skylines
while (!sky1.isEmpty() && !sky2.isEmpty()) {
if (sky1.get(0).coordinates < sky2.get(0).coordinates) {
int currentX = sky1.get(0).coordinates;
currentH1 = sky1.get(0).height;
if (currentH1 < currentH2) {
if (maxH != currentH2) {
skyline.add(new Skyline(currentX, currentH2));
} else {
maxH = currentH1;
skyline.add(new Skyline(currentX, currentH1));
} else {
int currentX = sky2.get(0).coordinates;
currentH2 = sky2.get(0).height;
if (currentH2 < currentH1) {
if (maxH != currentH1) {
skyline.add(new Skyline(currentX, currentH1));
} else {
maxH = currentH2;
skyline.add(new Skyline(currentX, currentH2));
// Add any remaining points from sky1 or sky2
while (!sky1.isEmpty()) {
while (!sky2.isEmpty()) {
return skyline;
* A class representing a point in the skyline with its x-coordinate and height.
public class Skyline {
public int coordinates;
public int height;
* Constructor for the {@code Skyline} class.
* @param coordinates The x-coordinate of the skyline point.
* @param height The height of the skyline at the given coordinate.
public Skyline(int coordinates, int height) {
this.coordinates = coordinates;
this.height = height;
* A class representing a building with its left, height, and right
* x-coordinates.
public class Building {
public int left;
public int height;
public int right;
* Constructor for the {@code Building} class.
* @param left The left x-coordinate of the building.
* @param height The height of the building.
* @param right The right x-coordinate of the building.
public Building(int left, int height, int right) {
this.left = left;
this.height = height;
this.right = right;