* @function tarjan
* @description Given a graph, find the strongly connected components(SCC) in reverse topological order. A set of nodes form a SCC if there is a path between all pairs of points within that set.
* @Complexity_Analysis
* Time complexity: O(V + E). We perform a DFS of (V + E)
* Space Complexity: O(V). We hold numerous structures all of which at worst holds O(V) nodes.
* @param {[number, number][][]} graph - The graph in adjacency list form
* @return {number[][]} - An array of SCCs, where an SCC is an array with the indices of each node within that SCC. The order of SCCs in the array are in reverse topological order.
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm
export const tarjan = (graph: number[][]): number[][] => {
if (graph.length === 0) {
return []
let index = 0
// The order in which we discover nodes
const discovery: number[] = Array(graph.length)
// For each node, holds the furthest ancestor it can reach
const low: number[] = Array(graph.length).fill(undefined)
// Holds the nodes we have visited in a DFS traversal and are considering to group into a SCC
const stack: number[] = []
// Holds the elements in the stack.
const stackContains = Array(graph.length).fill(false)
const sccs: number[][] = []
const dfs = (node: number) => {
discovery[node] = index
low[node] = index
stackContains[node] = true
for (const child of graph[node]) {
if (low[child] === undefined) {
if (low[child] < low[node]) {
// Child node loops back to this node's ancestor. Update the low node.
low[node] = low[child]
} else if (stackContains[child] && low[node] > discovery[child]) {
// Found a backedge. Update the low for this node if needed.
low[node] = discovery[child]
if (discovery[node] == low[node]) {
// node is the root of a SCC. Gather the SCC's nodes from the stack.
const scc: number[] = []
let i
for (i = stack.length - 1; stack[i] != node; --i) {
stackContains[stack[i]] = false
stackContains[stack[i]] = false
for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; ++i) {
if (low[i] === undefined) {
return sccs