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The Algorithms

Anyto Any

package com.thealgorithms.conversions;

import java.util.Scanner;

// given a source number , source base, destination base, this code can give you the destination
// number.
// sn ,sb,db ---> ()dn  .   this is what we have to do    .

public class AnytoAny {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
        int sn = scn.nextInt();
        int sb = scn.nextInt();
        int db = scn.nextInt();
        int m = 1, dec = 0, dn = 0;
        while (sn != 0) {
            dec = dec + (sn % 10) * m;
            m *= sb;
            sn /= 10;
        m = 1;
        while (dec != 0) {
            dn = dn + (dec % db) * m;
            m *= 10;
            dec /= db;