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The Algorithms

Current Stock Price

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def stock_price(symbol: str = "AAPL") -> str:
    url = f"{symbol}?p={symbol}"
    yahoo_finance_source = requests.get(
        url, headers={"USER-AGENT": "Mozilla/5.0"}, timeout=10
    soup = BeautifulSoup(yahoo_finance_source, "html.parser")
    specific_fin_streamer_tag = soup.find("fin-streamer", {"data-test": "qsp-price"})

    if specific_fin_streamer_tag:
        text = specific_fin_streamer_tag.get_text()
        return text
    return "No <fin-streamer> tag with the specified data-test attribute found."

# Search for the symbol at
if __name__ == "__main__":
    for symbol in "AAPL AMZN IBM GOOG MSFT ORCL".split():
        print(f"Current {symbol:<4} stock price is {stock_price(symbol):>8}")